Salsa, Merengue or Bachata for your party???

Salsa Merengue or Bachata for your party LOS VP in your next party. We play a variety of Latin Music for all tastes Merengue Bachata Salsa Cumbia Mexican and Ecuadorian Music and more. We are available for any type of event Weddings Birthdays Baby showers Corporate events Anniversary and all other events. We have DJ Available for Your Event we have very good packages with Band and DJ included If you are looking to get everyone straight onto the dance floor then you really need a serious band. This is where LOS VP has earned their reputation - playing music for the dance floor LOS VP also supply and runs all of our own sound equipment so we are very portable and can play in a variety of venues. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional value for money here at the end of the day you get full professional quality service but without the high price-tag. watch v geStwYTT9Qo 800)227-7777 (347)639-1719 info(at) site 101- 07 39th Avenue Corona New York 11368



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