Move In Special399 1ST Month Rent All Bills Paid

Move In Special 1ST month rent 399 All Bills Paid513 W. Dickey Rd Grand Prairie Tx 75051Phone (972) 266-2820Monday Lunes - Friday Viernes 8 30 am - 5 30 pm 50 Application Fee ( per adult ) 75 Application Fee ( per couple) 250 Admin Fee 1 bedroom 300 Admin Fee 2 bedroom 350 Admin Fee 3 bedroom 250- 350 standard deposit ( additional deposit may be required) additional deposit may equal up to 1 months rent)Monthly Income Must be 2.5 x Rent All Bills Paid Pet Friendly Community Central air conditioning Spacious walk in closet Wood Floor Two Color Tone Patio and Balconies Black and White applicances 2 Laundry Facility Walking Distance from City Pool and Park Ceiling Fans Se Habla Espanol Our Little Extra Make a Differnce Package Acceptance 24 Maintenance Emergency On-site Management



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