NOW ENROLLING 6 weeks to Age 10!

Carrie s Colorful Garden & Early Learning Academy has been developed to serve the needs of today s family. We answer the dilemma that many parents face where to find quality child care. As teachers and care givers our goal is to achieve a sense of continuity between home and center. We believe it is important for children to maintain a familiar and comfortable routine. Through parent teacher communication we individualize each child s care and learning opportunities. As a family oriented child development center Carrie s Colorful Garden & Early Learning Academy assures a quality home away from home. We provide an atmosphere where children are respected staff are responsible and parents are always welcome. Our program enhances a child s development by offering a caring atmosphere combined with a structured curriculum. We believe in helping children develop a positive self-image sense of independence and self-discipline through developmentally appropriate activities. Each individual child s needs are of the utmost importance. We share with the parents the belief that each child is a precious gift. Hours of Operation M-F 7am to 8pm (possibly later if needed) Rates Infant to Toddler 135 week Ages 3-4 120 week Ages 4-5 115 week Before After School 80 week AFTER School 65 week BEFORE School 50 week SUMMER 115 week Week Long Breaks (Week of Winter Spring Break) 110 week Drop-Ins Welcome Discounted Rates Multiple children 10% discount (on oldest child) GE employees UPS employees Ford employees FEDEX employees 10% discount If both apply 5 dollars off each additional child (up to 3 children) Also accepting 3 C s subsidies accepted Private Pay Serious Inquiries ONLY Call or Email Carrie s Colorful Garden Where we nurture and grow healthy creative kids.



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