Pond fish - Price: vary with size/type

The price of the fish varies according to the size and type of fish. Our least expense is the Shubunkins 4-5 inches- 8.50 or two for 15. We have Premium Koi 5-6 inches for 30.00 or two for 55.00 The standard Butterfly Koi 4-5 22.00 or two for 40.00. The Premium Select Koi 6-8 inches are 55.00 or two for 100.00. The Hikari Butterfly Koi (also beautiful) 4-5 inches 35.00 or two for 62.00. Tax is included Plecostomus 5inches 12 each two for 20.00 Plants Marigolds 5 Lillies depend on which you want. An established lilly with flower is 10.00 Hyachins- 5 We are located at 2023 Prospect Road Prospect PA 16052 Phone 724-283-4556 or 724-865-0012.



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