Lots for sale in Spring Creek Cove - Price: 39900.00

Spring Creek Cove Subdivision is a private residential community with Homeowners Association in place. It is nestled in its own cove secluded from the hustle and bustle but closed enough to be in the big cities just 2 1 2 miles from I-75. We now have WI-FI. We have underground utilities city water and street lights. Long before the crowded streets there was just the land. The community spans twenty-nine acres of pristine rolling hills amongst winding creeks and dense forest land. Spend weekends immersed in all that Southeastern Tennessee has to offer. The scenery is conducive to spending spare moments outdoors enjoying the early hours of morning on your back deck with the sunrise and your thoughts or hiking away the weekend afternoons in nearby Cherokee National Forest. A short drive can have you rafting down the Ocee golfing at nearby White Oaks Golf Course or having breakfast or dinner at the Cracker Barrell. SPRING CREEK COVE IS MORE THAN A PLACE TO CREATE A HOME IT IS A PLACE TO CREATE A LIFE.



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