Facials,waxing,eyela sh extensions and more

I am Licensed Esthetician (Skincare Therapist) and Makeup Artist that will care for your skin with a delicate touch and the utmost care. I graduated from Steiner Institute of Esthetics were I received my esthetics license and Von Lee were I received my Make-Up license.I am also a member of Associated Skin Care Professionals. Providing superior services and accurately attending to the specific needs of each client are concepts that I greatly value. My commitment to excellence and devotion in the field of Esthetics keeps me constantly continuing with education and training in order to provide the highest quality of service possible. Caring for others is not simply a career choice it is a passion and God-given purpose. Bringing out your Divinity is my goal. Now you know a little bit about me and I m eager to get to know you. Call me at 443-633-6571 or visit my website at www.naturallydivinespa.com



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