Ghost - Adoption Pending - Male American Bulldog Mix

Please contact C.A.R.E. for more information about this pet.Ghost ADOPTION PENDING American Bulldog Mix born in 2014 Neutered male. My original family had to give me up because the other dog in the house was always mean to me. They really wanted me to live in a safer calmer home than what they could provide. Because of that one dog I have come to regard other dogs with caution some I like but others make me nervous. My foster mom has been happy to see how well I m getting along with the dogs in my foster family. She let me meet one of the dogs in their back yard. After some nose-sniffing that dog and I agreed to ignore each other. I can be timid in new situations and will rely on you my new mom or dad to give me reassurance and guidance. I know basic obedience commands and am a perfect gentleman on the leash. My perfect person will be someone who s patient and willing to help me regain my confidence. In return I am ready to bond with you and be your forever dog. Adoption Information Size Large weighs 65 lbs Children Older respectful Dogs Possibly Ghost is selective Cats Yes Housebroken Yes and crate-trained Obedience Attendance in D.O.G. Obedience classes is required Ghost is neutered microchipped and has had a full veterinary checkup and vaccines.If you are interested in meeting Ghost please fill out our online adoption survey dog-adoption-survey... More Info



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