PROFESSIONAL LOGGING SERVICE LAND CLEARING COMPANY. BUYING TIMBER. Conducting private & commercial logging operations in Washington State primarily in King County Snohomish County Pierce County Kitsap County Mason County & Thurston County. Western Washington Customers please call us toll free (at) I-8OO LOG ALOT (564-2568) or (253) 381 O247. With almost 50 years in Logging & Timber we provide some of the best & top timber prices to private landowners tree farms and commercial logging jobs. We also own the logging trucks so we can set the most competitive rates We have top markets domestic export pole market and speciality wood. We usually work on percentage basis - with your timber dollar coming to your direct from local mills in Western Washington. So if you have standing douglas fir hemlock maple cedar or alder - we are interested. FREE ESTIMATE PROPERTY CONSULTING SITE EVALUATION TIMBER CRUISING REFORESTATION. We understand money can be tight with todays economy and when extra revenue is needed standing timber is a great resource. We work closely with private property owners to get the end result and top prices. Providing selective tree cutting buffer permits or clear cutting for site developing or horse pasture. We are certified by Washington Contact Loggers Association and fully licensed & insured. Environmentally skilled. With a large inventory of equipment From log loader shovel track machinery excavators logging trucks cat skidder road builder log harvester processor delimber tools of the trade and a darn good crew we are masters of our craft Timber Extracting Land clearing Tree removal Stump Removal clean up debri piling. Log hauling selfloader log truck pole trucking self loading log truck grapples logging trucks for all your haul needs- we provide hauling for our own logging company plus tree service s construction companies and firewood hauling logs timber cottonwood spruce fir maple hemlock alder piling and lumber. Must have a few loads to large scale timber stands on acreage or real property. ( only a few trees in yard or need a tree service tree topping tree work tree climbing we can help point you in the right direction). BUYING TIMBER. FREE ESTIMATE. QUALITY EXPERIENCE. CALL TOLL FREE 1 800 LOG ALOT OR (253) 381 O247. good old fashion hard work salt of the earth logging crew vintage work ethics the true lumberjacks of Northwest Washington WE ARE THE REAL DEAL OUR LIVELIHOOD IS THE LOGGING INDUSTRY. service to duvall carnation redmond renton kent kirkland bothell bellevue woodinville monroe fall city north bend hobart issaquah pine lake sammamish snoqualmie taylor river renton kirkland seattle bellevue tiger mountain samamish maple valley black diamond ravensdale auburn hobart selleck cumberland enumclaw orting eatonville bonney lake buckley sumner south prairie north yelm logging in washington mckenna aberdeen jefferson county grays harbor little rock south prairie spanaway eatonville graham puyallup federal way fife milton morton silverdale grand mound lewis county bucoda montesano tacoma gig harbor burley logging in washington state fox island port orchard port townsend brinnon seabeck kingston lakebay longbranch key center key penisula belfair olalla allyn shelton aberdeen hoquiam tumwater olympia roy lacey black lake centralia ethel ashford chehalis rockchester castle rock vader onalaska nisqually mossyrock mccleary napavine edgewood alderton pe ell satsop arlington gold bar index mill creek maltby machias everett mount vernon island county stanwood granite falls silvana granite falls camano island marysville lake stevens sedro woolley kapowsin la conner whidbey island wilkeson delphi puget sound.



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