Ginny Any Dots - Female Domestic Shorthair

Ginny Any Dots was surrendered when her owner could no longer care for her. She is a lovely calico who is about 3 years old. She is spayed and up to date on vaccines and ready to go home today Ginny Any Dots is very friendly with people but a true diva when it comes to other cats and dogs. She does not want any competition for love and treats Come meet this pretty girl if you are a single pet kinda household.Unless otherwise stated the adoption fee for one of our cats is 50.00 for kittens under one year and 25.00 for cats over a year. This includes the animal s surgery vaccinations flea preventative and deworming medication. Shelter policy is that all animals must be spayed or neutered prior to leaving the shelter. Any of our pets may also be micro-chipped for an additional 15.00 fee.Our shelter is open to the public on Monday Wednesday Friday and Saturday from 1 00 pm until 5 00 pm. If you would like to make an appointment to meet one of our many adoptable animals please send an email to us at -XX(at)---. To apply to adopt you may download an adoption application from the Applications and Fees tab on our website. The web address is -.-XX.--X.-. Please email the completed application to -XX(at)---. ... More Info



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