Kenya - Female Labrador Retriever Mix

NAME KENYA GENDER Female BREED Lab Mix COLOR Black AGE 1 year old WEIGHT 36lbs SPAY OR NEUTER Yes MICROCHIP Yes If you would like to give Kenya a forever home please go to -.----.- to fill out an online application. Kenya is a gentle polite and very well-behaved dog She is very submissive and greets people calmly and is very safe and gentle with young children. Kenya is now living with many dogs in her foster home and gets along well with big and small dogs. Kenya has been through a lot and is very mature for being so young. She is a good temperament dog and has started some basic obedience training with her foster mom. Kenya rides well in the car and enjoys her daily walks. She is house-trained and crate-trained. With some more basic training Kenya will continue to grow into a wonderful dog that she already is. Poor Kenya and her sister Kassel and canine mother were found starving in a factory area. They were so lean and can barely stand on their four feet. The people in the factory were not kind to them and would often beat them and chase them away with sticks. Poor mama dog was severely hurt with a broken leg trying to protect her pups. A kind lady was in the area and heard them crying out of starvation she bought some can food and they swallowed them in a few seconds. She felt so sad and tried to stop by a few times a week to bring them proper food as they were surviving on minimal garbage. She posted their stories on Facebook hoping to find all of them homes. However months went by and no one had called for them. The kind lady sent a desperate message to us and we knew it was urgent to save the mom and her pups. We quickly assisted her and were able to rescue all of them. Kenya s foster mom is an experienced dog rescuers and had found thousands of dogs loving homes around the world. She promised them all loving homes where they will only know love. Kenya had a complete vet checkup. Luckily she is one healthy dog and got all the necessary vaccinations and blood tests. Please give Kenya a loving home and a chance to live a wonderful life Please watch Kenya s YouTube videos below -X -XX.XX Bf74OHh9-VY - Kenya no food aggression -X -XX.XX hmCdyQmhXEA - Kenya gentle on leash -X -XX.XX 1Zk_QRDwy_U - Kenya 1st time on treadmill -X -XX.XX UgG7Zr2m1vg - Kenya good in crate If you would like to give Kenya a forever home please go to -.----.- to fill out an online application. Please upload your home environment photos so that we can do an online home visit. Once we received your application we will get back to you ASAP. Adopt a Doggie Facebook -XX -.--XX.- pages Adopt-a-Doggie 312107112299799 Facebook rescue page Mary s Doggies -XX -.--XX.- marysdoggies Temperament Energy Level Medium Ideal home environment Both Quiet & Active Is the dog good with strangers Friendly The dog is best with children of what age group Any ages Is the dog good with other dogs Yes good with small and big dogs Is the dog good with cats Yes Good on leash Yes Housetrained Yes Crate-trained Yes How is the dog with men Friendly Food aggression with people No Food aggression with dogs No Has the dog bitten anyone No Medical Information Vaccination History Vaccination date 04 01 2016 & 05 01 2016 & 06 01 2016 Rabies shot 07 01 2016 Idexx 4-1 Kit Test Result negative Heartworm Test Result negative Giardia Test Kit Result negative Deworming Date 1st day of each month Heartworm Preventative Date 1st day of each month Frontline Date 1st day of each month... More Info



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