1956 John Deere 520 with trip bucket loader. - Price: Reduced,,$

PTO hydralics 3 point without top link power steering. All work well. Wide aftermarket front end installed by johndeere. One farming owner. 1050 original hours. I have it idling at 250 RPM and will start out in 4th gear without throttle even on a 10 degree morning with a bad battery. It is ready to restore for a collection or a parade tractor. Needs new tires but tires all hold air. Brakes need to be removed cleaned and new shoes. All guages work except fuel Sheet metal is a 9 on a scale of 1-10 excluding paint. Very clean tractor . A trip bucket loader goes with it but is not installed. 417threefourtwo2750 text or call. will gladly send pics.



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