2 (Two) Adjacent Offices For Lease

A great way to secure dedicated office space on a tight budget Available for lease in early May 2019 two side-by-side offices on the second floor of a walk-up Clarendon Hills office building. One corner office and one interior office available. Retain a single office for a minimum 12-month lease at 375 month per office or you can take both spaces for 725 month. Rent is gross with utilities included. Tenant is responsible for internet and phone service. Both of the offices are approximately 10 x 11 . They have the same paint trim colors and each space has a total of 3 windows. A credit check is required with the lease application at the cost of the prospective tenant (approximately 50). Current building occupants include a lash lounge a message therapist a home construction company counseling services a valet company a home health service an attorney s office and more. Location has easy access to Westmont Burr Ridge Hinsdale Oak Brook Route 83 I-55 and I-294. Respond to this listing for more information. Please be advised that the floor plan attached to this listing is used as an example to illustrate that the doors of the office spaces open into a common hallway. The example is NOT an exact or scaled illustration of the office spaces or the windows they contain.



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