NovaLee - Female Rat Terrier Mix

NovaLee is a sweet 5-month-old puppy that had a pretty rough start. She was being kept out side in a cage 24 7 with no shelter from the hot sun or rain and no fresh food or water. NovaLee is now learning how to be a puppy the touch of a loving hand and how to live indoors. NovaLee has come a long way in a very short time and is adjusting wonderfully. NovaLee would love to find a family who will continue to work with her on her shyness to continue to introduce her to new people and things and give her lots of love and belly rubs.Puppy adoption fee is 200 and includes age-appropriate vaccinations spay neuter surgery deworming and microchip. All animals are examined by a veterinarian. Please fill out our application at -X ---.------.- if you are interested in meeting or adopting this puppy and we will be in touch right away ... More Info



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