2007 Acura MDX w/Tech w/RES - Price: $22,390

Navigation Navi AWD DVD Power Sunroof Third Row Seats. This outstanding example of a 2007 Acura MDX Tech Entertainment Pkg is offered by North End Motors. With the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee this pre-owned vehicle comes with peace of mind standard. North End Motors presents this lightly used Carfax One-Owner 2007 Acura MDX Tech Entertainment Pkg as just one example of our quality pre-owned offerings. This SUV is a great example of beauty and brawn with classic styling and a workhorse power plant. Outstanding craftsmanship and artisanal refinements abound with this MDX Tech Entertainment Pkg. Enjoy safety and stability with this all-wheel drive vehicle and drive with confidence in any condition. The MDX Tech Entertainment Pkg has been lightly driven and there is little to no wear and tear on this vehicle. The care taken on this gently used vehicle is reflective of the 78 557 miles put on this Acura. If you re



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