PET/CT Technologist

On Assignment Healthcare Staffing is a premier staffing company whose sole focus is placing healthcare professionals in contract contract-to-hire and direct hire positions. With an excess of 100 000 successful matches over the past twenty-five years we have built a reputation as one of the best in the business. To that end we have attracted a client list that spans the entire range of healthcare and related organizations including some of the most respected names in the industry. Our deep commitment to healthcare strong professional ethics and our People First approach is demonstrated everyday by the staff of On Assignment. In offices throughout the United States our sales and recruiting professionals are united in our mission To assure that our clients get the best person for the job and that our employees get the best job for their skills. Job Description Responsible for patient safety including pre screening for contraindications injections techniques radiation safety regulations including proper documentation and technique when working with radioactive materials patients. Produce high quality diagnostics image Performing services in PET CT Diagnostic CT and assisting with interventional procedures Effectively communicate with patients radiologists and front office staff. Train new technologists trouble shoot the scanner and peripheral equipment. Administer medications such as contrast media FDG AV-45 F-18 etc as prescribed by the phusician order. Lift and or move up to 50lbs complets and signs the patient screening form and reviews explains the procedure and safety precautions to the patient. Calculates measures and records radiopharmaceutical dosages received used and disposed using computer and following physician s prescriptions



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