The Beach Essentials Grand Opening

A new store is opening in Jacksonville Beach FL. The Beach Essentials LLC is opening on June 25th (Tuesday). Hours of operation will be M-S 9 00am - 6 00pm and Sunday 11 00am - 6 00pm. The address is 1262 Beach Blvd. In the Beach Plaza Shopping Center. Just look for the pink Kiosk. You can drive-thru or walk in. Imagine driving thru to buy some flipflops or a towel We will be providing customers with all your beach essentials for a fun day at the beach. We offer great pricing. You won t need to stand in those long lines anymore. Here are some items that will be available. Flipflops Sunglasses Towels Sunscreen Boogie Boards Beverages Totes Coolers and an assortment of kids toys for the beach and more. Also art by Joshua Fox will be selling his art. His specialty is land and beach scapes. Buy one get one half off There will be a raffle the day of opening. Don t miss out on that We look forward to seeing and servicing you



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