13.5ft Boston Whaler 4strokeNew Trailer

This center console 13.5ft Whaler is turn key and ready for the water. 66 hull with a 2012 20hp 4stroke Mercury with only 150 hours on the motor. 5 gallon fuel cell which will last you for days on the water. Gets up to about 30 mph. This boat is Unsinkable reliable and kept in doors. The hull was just hand waxed Motor was just Fully serviced in May Comes with a Brand New single axle trailer (yes all lights work) Custom blue paint job (has a few minor scratches) And comes with matching Bimini top with it. Has custom seat with 4 heavy duty rod holders Marine igloo cooler Electric ignition start Performance marine grade battery With On Off switch. Comes will all the little things like Spare trailer tire (never used) Dock line Life jackets and Anchor -Clean Title and paper work on boat and trailer-Have service paper work. - I Will deliver if needed for a feeI live close to a ramp and can water trial for serious buyers. Moving so I have to sell. Located in East Delray Beach.Text Call Email Steve at 919-413-138Seven



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