Don’t throw away your E-WASTE! - Price: FREE

I want your E-waste If it plugs in or runs on batteries it is E-waste. Don t let all that old outdated unused or broken stuff clutter your home I offer a free local pick up service picking up E-waste items and in turn helping the environment by a simple three-step process. 3 R s Reuse Reduce Recycle 1. Reuse If the item can be reused I will find a new useful home for it if not I will 2. Reduce it to its individual components and then 3. Recycle it. The average weight reduction heading to the landfill is 94%. Items that may contain personal information are completely destroyed and recycled. I do charge a small fee for removal of CRT or Glass Tube TV s if there are more than 3. Since this is a free pick up service I appreciate calls for more than one or two items. Tell your friends and neighbors Here is a small list of SOME of the items that are considered E-waste Computers Cell phones home phones VCR dvd Blu ray players stereos microwaves toasters blenders chargers adapters extension cords power strips battery backups li Ion batteries laptops video game systems TVs monitors printers fax machines fans clocks radios projectors cameras ink and toner cartridges cables house wire scraps light fixtures lamps washer dryers A C dehumidifiers humidifiers stoves ovens scanners electric heaters curling irons coffee makers. If it plugs in uses batteries or electricity IN ANY FORM It Is E-Waste and I want it Also accepting metal plumbing



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