Blue Sapphire and Diamond Wedding Set - Price: 2,000

I have a Wedding Engagement Blue Sapphire and Diamond ring set. It was purchased in August of 2011 at Shane Company for 2500.00 and was worn for the first year and kept in a drawer after that. It is in the exact same condition as it was when it was purchased in 2011. It is very beautiful but I see no reason to keep it any longer. It has been cleaned professionally once by Shane Company and I have the original purchase papers as well as the Appraisal Papers. Shane Company also gaurantees to clean it for as long as you own it. The Specifications on it are as follows WEDDING SET IN 14K WHITE GOLD WITH NINETY-FIVE ROUND DIAMONDS AT .46CT AND EIGHT BAGUETTE SAPPHIRES AT 1.18CTS. THE TOTAL GEM WEIGHT IS 1.64CTS. RETAIL PRICE 1 650.00 DIAMOND ONE PRINCESS CUT DIAMOND WEIGHING 0.54 CARATS. THIS DIAMOND HAS I2 CLARITY AND I COLOR. RETAIL PRICE 855.00 I am asking 500.00 off the retail because it is afterall a year and a half old serious inquiries please email for a number to contact me thanks for looking and have a great day



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