Apple iPhone 8 Plus 256gb T-mobile ONLY

The iPhone 8 Plus is a sleek phone that is backed by Retina HD display technology for a perfect picture. You will experience blazing fast speeds using AT& T s 4G network which will also be backed up by 2G and 3G capabilities. Brand Apple Camera Resolution 12.0MP MPN MQ8V2LL A Model Apple iPhone 8 Plus Processor Hexa Core Memory Card Type Built-In Memory Color Gold. Model Number A1897 (GSM Only) Network AT& TStorage Capacity 256GB Battery Battery Type Lithium Ion. Battery Capacity 2675 mAh Cosmetic condition GoodScreen Size 5.5 Charger and cable Yes Style Bar best offer takes it today. Text > > > > > 72 zero - 50 four - seven 631< < < < < < < <



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