Performing a car diagnostic can reveal a number of problems associated with the transmission oil tank gas tank exhaust system and other components of the vehicle. Modern vehicles designed with computer processors microchips and sensors can be linked to a car diagnostic computer scan to pinpoint exactly where the problem exists. The scans are performed at a dealership or at the garage of certified mechanic. The car diagnostic can tell you the following about the vehicle ignition timing issues level of buildup in the combustion engine fuel injector performance whether the ignition coils are firing engine rpm levels air and coolant temperature crankshaft and camshaft position and the throttle opening. After the car diagnostic is performed the computer will tag each data point to reveal what needs to be corrected and stores this code so that the technician can look in a specific area for the problem.We have a SPECIAL OFFER at only 40.00...So dont waste any more time The estimated time for a Diagnostic could be an hour give or take but it is WORTH the time to know what is going on inside the vehicle you and your family depend on Call us today at (760) 342-3845 for information regarding your next visit. You will find us located on 83-816 Ave.45 Indio CA.92201 off of Golf Center Prk Way . We hope to see you real soon.



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