Extended Day Staff - Compensation: $9-$12/hour

Tesseract School is a private independent non-profit school located in Paradise Valley. We are looking for caring and independent individuals to be part of the extended day staff. The hours are Monday through Thursday 3-6 pm Friday 1-6 pm. As a member of our extended day staff you must be capable of supervising groups of children in a safe nurturing stuctured manner. Leading choice activities and outdoor time will be a major responsibility. Applicants must be 18 years or older. Experience in youth development is required. A background in education is a plus. Pay rate is between 9 and 12 per hour based upon experience. Additional employment opportunities with Tesseract Summer Camp is a possibility. To apply e-mail resume to Sylvia Hutchinson Extended Day and Summer Program Coordinator at shutchinson(at)tesseractschool.org.



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