24 Hour Live-In Caregiver Needed in Milwaukee, WI - Compensation

24 hour live-in caregiver needed in Milwaukee WI. We are looking for an experienced live-in caregiver to assist an 83 year old lady in Milwaukee. Position will pay in the range of 120 to 140 a day depending on experience. The schedule is negotiable but typically the caregiver works 12 days on and 2 days off. Payment will be paid weekly by the family. We are a caregiver placement agancy in Wisconsin so we will charge a finder s fee upon the hiring of the caregiver. Responsibilities Companionship Assist with activities of daily living Assist with personal needs Meal preparation Experienced in Alzheimer Care Accurate client note documentation Transportation vehicle needed Light housekeeping Requirements Must submit to a criminal background check Must have a valid driver s license and vehicle. At LEAST 1 years experience required Professional References Must have good written and verbal English language skills



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