Will take old gaming stuff! - Price: 0.00

If you have any old or classic gaming systems games or peripherals that you no longer want or need to clear out (maybe you re moving or trying to clear up some space) I will come get it Doesn t need to be in good condition or anything just let me know. All of your items will be going to a good home. I clean and maintain all of my consoles and keep my game disks and cartridges safe from cracks or scratches. I am an aspiring collector (Also starting a retro gaming you-tube channel) and I would LOVE donations whether they re in good condition or not. It doesn t even necessarily have to work or play still. Modern gaming stuff works too if you need it adopted by a good owner. If you need any old or classic gaming stuff cleared out call or text 513-444-7563 or reply to the ad and let me know (I tend to not answer calls just because my phone is always on silent so leave a message please) 513-444-7563



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