Pre-Owned Item Code 1377Call 708-354-1265Crating Fee is 75.00 or Pick Up in Countryside Il 60525 Discounted price 995.00NOTE KNOB MISSING MIGHT NOT BE TESTED CALL AND ASK SEELER FOR MORE INFORMATION. GARLAND CONVECTION OVEN - ELECTRIC - HALF SIZE Model TE2B Serial 226804Counter model with electronic time temperature controlThis half size convection oven is designed for versatility in product application maximum productivity ease in cleaning ease in operation and uniform results.Individual dials are used to set time and temperature which appear as a vacuum fluorescent digital display.Actual oven temperature during preheat and recovery is displayed by pressing a momentary switch.An audible continuous tone will sound at the conclusion of the timed bake cycleThe heat is evenly distributed throughout the oven chamber by a two speed fan powered by a thermally protected side mounted 1 3 HP motor.A safety device shuts the oven off when the door is open.A cool down switch is located on the control panelConstruction the oven is made of dieformed steel with a porcelain enamel finish.the stainless steel oven front features a warp-proof door with a stainless steel inner lining and a thermal dual pane inspection window.Electronic time temperature control with a range of 140 F to 500 FApplications it can be used in preparing baked goods such as biscuits muffins cookies pies and cakes convenience items including hot dogs hamburgers pizza and burritos as well as frozen entrees roasts and vegetables.208-240 volts 3 ph 5.5 Kw Approx. Size 30 w 29 d 25 Approx. Net Weight 425 lbs. Disk WALL SALES ARE FINAL



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