Condo for Sale 3 Bed/3 Bath Southern Shore Villas, Oak Island, N

Two huge OCEAN FRONT DECKS is part of what makes this condo so wonderful. In addition to the 3 bedrooms there is an office that can also be used as the 4th bedroom as it has a queen Murphy bed a full dresser and armoire. The living room height is over 16 ft. with abundant light from the south facing windows makes this a great room to relax. Being sold furnished and seller will pay 5 000 in closing cost and credit 5000 toward a kitchen upgrade. Subject to NC Vacation Rental Act MLS 670547 View FULL DETAILS and additional PHOTOS here featured_properties Holbrooks Real Estate Inc. - 7201 E. Oak Island Drive Oak Island NC 28465 - (910) 368-9502



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