Ella Jean - Female AkitaPit Bull Terrier Mix

Hello I m Ella Jean and I think you look like a wonderful choice for my forever friend Once I m settled in and adjust to my new life I m sure we will be the best of friends. I love to go on walks play and spend time curled up with my best friends. I am a sniffing superstar and love all outdoor activities. I enjoy playing with all kinds of dog toys. I hope my new home has a big back yard with a toy box full of toys If you like to relax on the couch with a good book or a favorite movie I ll be right there with you. I may always be on the shy side and hope you will love me any way. I am a homebody and would do best in a quiet home that doesn t have a lot of visitors. I have this feeling that we re kindred spirits so how about we spend some quality time together and see if we re the perfect fit Primary Color Tri Color Weight 56 Age 2yrs 0mths 1wks... More Info



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