Daisy - Female Domestic Shorthair Mix

Daisy is a true Tortie full of sass and tortitude She s got beautiful markings and can be very sweet and loving with her human when it suits her. She like most Torties likes her independence and her affection all on her terms. Of course she loves to play with toys and her housemates. Daisy was raised with Max and Lil Bit but she s not related to them. She was found in a tied bag in a garbage bag with 2 of her deceased siblings. They were all malnourished and sickly when they came into the safety of DARS. They were all born around the end of July. But just look at her now This sweet little girl will bring a lot of joy to someone and they re just about ready to go to their new homes since they re getting spayed and neutered this week. They are also up to date on their vaccinations. They have all been raised with a small dog. If you d like more information or would like to make one of these babies the newest member of your home please email us (at) -X(at)-------X or submit an application here -X ------.- cat-adoption-application.html... More Info



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