Darcy - Female Spitz (Unknown Type Small)Terrier (Unknown Type S

If you are looking for a 15 pound little dog exemplifying sugar and spice and everything nice...look no further....Darcy is an absolute dream of a dog she is well behaved and is bright clever and quite active enjoying regular short walks but is primarily content to just be in the same area with her human. She is eager to please and is primarily interested in lap-sitting. Non aggressive quiet non-demanding she is a perfect little dady except she is a climber...she can climb a 6 foot chain link fence but not to escape but to find her human. She would not be trustworthy left unattended on a tie-out or unsupervised in a fenced area. She does need regular brushing but has few other demands. Her main desire is human company. She would like nothing more than someone with time to spend with her and a lap for snuggling. To know her is to love her.... More Info



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