2007 Ducati Sport Classic GT1000 Custom - Price: 6300

2007 Ducati Sport Classic GT1000 Custom The Bike It currently has 12 5xx miles and it stills runs like the day I got it (at 4 500 miles). The owner I bought it from was an older rider with a few Ducatis in the garage. It has had all required services done by professionals (Minneapolis Ducati West Coast GP Desmo Valve Service). Just had a full belt and valve service by LA Duc Pres Bob Miller from Desmo Valve Service. All the valves were sitting perfectly at next to race level specs without any adjustments needed This GT1000 is so much fun to ride and constantly gets compliments Here is a list of all the mods and aftermarket parts. Ohlins 999 stuff and exhaust were all installed at around 9 000miles. I have most of the stock parts as well (wheels suspension exhaust etc)... Mods aftermarket parts Brand new 1100S Ohlins forks Brand new Ohlins dual shocks Freshly powder coated 999 wheels 999R calipers and rotors front 999 caliper and rotor rear 999 wheel spacer kit new 999 sprockets and chain Quat D x-box exhaust Carbon fiber fender LSL handlebars Rizoma resevoirs Pazzo levers gauge lowering brackets Watson micro turn signals DP Airbox cover custom shaped seat Oberon rider and passenger pegs Oberon clutch slave EVR sprocket cover SpeedyMoto cam covers FatDuc O2 sensor fender eliminator kit T-Rex frame sliders Rear stand and cover You can email me with any questions or for more pictures POSNER_STPETER3(at)outlook.com



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