Pre-Owned Item Code 15605Call 708-354-1265Crating Fee and Shipping Fee apply cal for a quoteor Pick Up in Countryside IL 6052548 DELFIELD 2 DOOR UNDERCOUNTER REFRIGERATOR WORK TOPModel UC4448N New price 2287.35dicounted price 1050.00Used item it has some scratches and dents but its in working condition.Some Features Benefits Exterior top is one-piece stainless steel.Exterior back and bottom is galvanized steel ends are stainless steel Interior sides are plastic with integral shelf supports. Base is fully insulated.Refrigeration system uses 404a refrigerant.Doors are hinged to the left.Electrical 115 volts 6.5 amps 60 hz R404aapprox. size 48 wide 31 deep 37 highapprox. weight 335 lbsdisk L6 (L)ALL SALES ARE FINAL



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