Best Makeup Artist Academy in UP Lakme Academy Ghaziabad

Lakme Academy Ghaziabad powered by Aptech pedals India s leading chain of beauty treatment & fashion Industry. We are CONSISTENT partner and provider of worth training s & services in the Beauty industry globally. Lakme Academy Ghaziabad offer advanced and elastic ways to give our students an inspiring learning experience. Our courses help students build skills for national & international fashion necessities and prepares them to take advantage of growing career opportunities in high-end salons fashion photo-shoots and the runway. Glamour is big business. Join the Makeup Artist Hair Artist Cosmetology courses at Lakme Academy Ghaziabad & become a expert in just 6 months earning 3-4 lacs per annum with 100% placement support and obtain scholarships up to 35 %. Take the Preliminary division in the direction of your dream career & a successful life. Its time you exploit before it s too late. A decision that will ensure you to be an international certified Expert with a stylish career. Today fashion designers stylists and beauty professionals have their own brand name and their own fans and followers.



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