Sunshine - Female German Shepherd Dog

Sunshine is about 3 years old. She is an amazing dog but must have had a rough past. She was found hiding behind a dumpster and was scared to death. Someone must have used her for breeding but not showing her love and attention.She is great with people and would make a very loyal companion. She is a bit fearful when you go with her to the vet. A muzzle is needed. Others then that she is wonderful with people and older kids.She has not been tested with cats yet and needs to be the only dog unless someone is experienced enough and can teach her dog one on one manners.She walks wonderful on the leash and loves toys. Fetches and is obsessed with tennis ballsSunshine tested positive for heartworm disease and is currently getting treated for it.DO NOT FILL OUT AN APPLICATION ONLINE Please send us a private message to receive an application. We are only able to meet with pre approved adopters since our organization is operating on foster homes only and we don.t have a shelter available to the public.Her adoption fee is 350 which includes all her vaccines heartworm test and treatment spay and micro chip.... More Info



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