Pre-Owned Item code 4060-4061Call 708-354-1265Crating and Shipping fees may applyor Pick Up in Countryside IL 60525 GOLD MEDAL DIGGITY NON STICK SLANDTED HIGH TEMP GRILL WITH BUN WARMERModel 8023SLPE for the hot dog grill 8117 for the bun warmer Serial DGSLPE-2112 for the hot dog grill MSDBW-3719 for the bun warmer Mfg date 1 24 17 and 2 1 17 SOME FEATURES HOT DOG GRILL It is the perfect midsize grill for cooking the perfect hot dog The slanted midsize hot diggity grill holds 27 quarter pound hot dogs.The non-stick hot dog grill features 10 stainless steel rollers that have separate temperature and roller controls for the front five and rear five rollers.Also there are recessed controls and switches - away from the foodIt works at many locations such as convenience stores amusement parks and more. Separate temperature and roller controls for front five and rear five rollers 10 stainless steel rollers - durable & easy to clean Recessed controls & switches - away from food Holds 27 quarter pound hot dogs Approx size 26 w 18 d 11 h Electrical 120 v 1000 watts 60 hz Approx. shipping weight 71 lbs SOME FEATURES BUN WARMER 1 drawer 54 bun capacity Adjustable temperature control stainless steel construction Approx. size 26 w 18 d 10.3 4 hApprox. weight 43 lbs Electrical 120 v 300 watts 60 hz Please note the warmer takes a little time to warm up it has been tested and it works. Overall weight 114 lbs for both unitsOverall height 21 3 4 h both units ALL SALES ARE FINAL



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