Freda(CPR) - Female Catahoula Leopard Dog Mix

THANK YOU for wanting a RESCUED DOG PUP THEIR LIVES DEPEND ON IT -.-------X.-Hi ... my name is Freda. She s a Catahula and they found her living under a freeway for a year until rescuers trapped her and brought her into the Rescue. She is sweet loving and loves to play with other dogs. Precious girl still learning to trust. She s really great in the house likes her crate and really behaves like a good girl. If you have a little spot in your heart and home for Freda please email Debbie at ---X(at)--- and she ll help you out. See ya .....GOD S DOGS Rescue in San Antonio TX does not have a shelter - all of our dogs are raised in foster homes in the San Antonio area. Each dog comes spayed or neutered up-to-date on vaccinations that are appropriate for their age microchipped heartworm tested and on current on monthly flea tick and heartworm preventative. ALL OF THIS IS INCLUDED IN THE ADOPTION FEE OF 200.00 FOR LOCAL DOGS AND PUPPIES( Local is in the state of Texas) Medical records will come with each dog at the time of adoption.IF THIS IS AN OUT OF STATE ADOPTION TRANSPORT TO YOU is included in the adoption fee of 400.00 for adult dogs and 450.00 for puppies. We transport all over the country All our dogs are socialized and we try to provide you a good understanding of the dog s personality. Please visit our website for more information about what we do -X -.-------X.- . You will also find helpful information about transport our adoption application and pictures of our all our dogs pups looking for homes Please contact DEBBIE DAVIS at ---X(at)--- or JULI MARCHBANKS at ----(at)--- for more information and or fill out an adoption application on our site.Thank you for wanting to adopt a rescued dog their LIVES depend on it Hope to meet you soon -.----XX.- ... More Info



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