Willa - Female DachshundChihuahua Mix

Willa is a pretty little four year old Dachshund Chihuahua mix. Willa s foster family cannot say enough about how sweet cuddly and cute she is. Willa is a breeze. She s potty trained trusted to roam free while home alone is a great traveler and loves walks. Willa is great with children and other dogs as long as they give her space. She enjoys cuddling but isn t needy. Willa is such a good girl and is a joy to have around. Willa is hoping to find her perfect forever family who will adore her as much as her foster family does. To adopt this pet please visit -.----.- adopt All of our dogs come spayed or neutered up to date on vaccinations including rabies (if age appropriate) and bordetella are microchipped heartworm negative current on flea tick and heartworm prevention dewormed and treated for any ailments found upon veterinary examination. The adoption fee covers a portion of these services and makes it possible for us to continue rescuing animals. Please note that our pets come from shelters so we CANNOT guarantee age breed mix of breeds or adult size. For more information on the adoption fees and the adoption process please complete our adoption application here -X -.----.- adopt - an application allows us to get to know your family better so we can assess whether the animal you are interested in is a good match for your home. An application does not obligate you to adopt and can be transferred to any pet. You will receive an automated confirmation once your application is successfully submitted. Please understand that due to the volume of applications some animals receive we are unable to contact all applicants. If your application is considered a good fit for the dog you are interested in or even a different pet a volunteer will give you a call ASAP. If you would like to transfer your application to a different pet please email your confirmation number to -X(at)-----X We are a foster based rescue and do not have a shelter location where dogs can be seen during the week. Please see our Facebook page at -XX -.--XX.- LouiesLegacy for our weekly adoption album if you are interested in meeting a dog in person. Not all animals attend every adoption event please check our Facebook page for animal event times and locations before you make a trip to meet a specific animal. Please note that we do not perform same-day adoptions. Thanks so much for caring about a needy animal ... More Info



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