Lola - Female Terrier (Unknown Type Small)Maltese Mix

Everyone meet Lola Lola is a 12-week-old 3.5-pound female Terrier Maltese mix. We were contacted by one of vets and asked if we could please take her after her owner left her abandoned at the vet s office. Lola is smart playful feisty and very lovable. She gets along very well with other dogs and even the cat in her foster home Lola loves people and will be a wonderful addition to a family but will defiantly need someone to be firm and patient with her as she does have a rambunctious side and would definitely benefit from some obedience training. Lola is up to date on her vaccinations and is microchipped. She will be spayed when age appropriate and a spay neuter deposit will be required. If interested in meeting or adopting Lola please go to -.-X.- and fill out an adoption application.... More Info



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