Brand NEW GE Washer and Electric Dryer - Price: $600

I have a brand new General Electric Spacemaker Washer and Electric Dryer (White) that I got when I bought my apartment. It has never been used since I m the first to reside in the apartment. The washer dryer is ideal for smaller apartments and homes because at 27 wide and 75 1 2 tall it can fit into almost any space. Both the washer and dryer can hold and extra large capacity of 2.7 Cu Ft The washer s built in bleach dispenser makes waiting for the bleach light a thing of the past.I m asking 600 for it.CASH and PICK-UP only. Please email if you re interested on the item. Washing machine features Approximate Dimensions (HxWxD) 75 1 2 in x 27 in x 30 13 16 in One Wash Spin Speed Provides reliable cleaning performance for regular clothes 3 wash cycles Discover convenient preprogrammed settings for regular permanent press and delicate clothes 3 wash rinse temperatures A variety of temperatures provide great wash results 3 water levels Select water level based on load size Electromechanical controls Selector knob turns smoothly in either direction simplifying cycle selection Auto Dry Monitors air temperature to set dry times



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