Extensively Remodeled Bellevue Charmer - Price: 649,000

Extensively remodeled Burnstead resale backing to serene forest. Home is impeccably maintained & features plantation shutters & beautiful hdwd floors throughout main level. Chef s kitchen w maple cabinets. Wolf range warmer drawer & Sub-Zero fridge. Upper level Master retreat w mtn views & lavish spa-like bath w soaking tub & heated slate floors. Private downstairs living space w large Bonus Room 2BR 1BA. Relaxing deck w hot tub. Award winning Newport HS. Minutes to downtown Seattle Bellevue. Driving Directions From I-90 take exit 11A. Travel south on 150th Ave SE. Go left on Newport Way. Take a right on 152nd Ave SE. Go left on 152nd Pl SE into Horizon Heights. Take a left on SE 44th Pl. House on left side. For more information or a private showing please contact Connie Knight John L. Scott Real Estate 425-688-3611 www.ConnieKnight.com



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