Miniature SchnauzersToys Schnauzers

Toy size 1200Miniature schnauzers 10008 weeks old Tails docked and professionally groomed.No AKC however I provide a 1 year health certificate guarantee and vaccine record.Come Meet the puppies at my Ranch home.....Please take time to read this it s important information for everyone looking to get a puppy BEWARE of people selling puppies that are under 8 weeks old stating they have their shots already that s not true a healthy puppy should be vaccinated at 8 weeks old also make sure you are able to see the parents and request a guarantee with great Sadness I can state I have many customers that have been sold sick dogs and come to me to get another one Please beware of all those fake people also check the vaccine record make sure they aren t in Spanish and last but not least don t meet in the street if they are honest people they will bring you their home where the parents of the puppies are so you can meet them God Bless.



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