CNA- Payson - Compensation: $9.50- $11 DOE

Experienced CNA s needed BeeHive Homes of Payson Salem is looking for CNA s to add to their friendly staff. CNA s for part time day swing and graveyard help needed. Would also be on call for times when others are sick or have an emergency. All take turns working weekends including Sundays and holidays. Shifts are 12 hours from 6 to 6. All shifts work hard and do the same types of jobs. Must cook clean be very outgoing and personable. Duties include cooking cleaning laundry showering and helping with everyday living activities also being creative organizing and completing activities with the residents-- bringing some fun to their days. MUST have a clear background check and pass drug testing. MUST HAVE PROOF OF CURRENT CNA certification First Aide CPR TB Test and Food Handler s Permit. Email your resume to bhhomesps(at) or call 801-374-2157



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