POMERANIAN/CHIHUAHUA PUPPY/ 18 weeks old/Shots/Dewormer/C RATE T

This beautiful Pomeranian Chihuahua Puppy is 18 weeks old and weighs about 2 lbs. He has all his shots and has been given dewormer. He is crate trained. He knows how to sit and give five. He comes with his own starter kit which contains a water bowl food bowl dog toy a small bag of puppy food and his shots record. He is very sweet loving and smart. His suitcase is packed and he is ready to go to his new loving family. The last 2 pictures are the parents. The Dad is the red Pomeranian and the mom is the Chihuahua. If you are interested in taking this puppy home you may contact Leticia at 909-559-4196. Thank you for viewing my puppy add.



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