Meet Doogie - a Multi Generation Labradoodle

Meet Doogie he is a 7 month old Mulit Generation Labradoodle. He has silky soft curly creamy blonde hair that has never been clipped and so far no shedding. He also has the most beautiful expressive golden green eyes I have ever seen. I mean just look at that face He is super sweet and loveable. Don t get me wrong he can still get in boat loads of trouble but when he puts his head on your lap and looks up at you with those eyes who can remember what he did. Just your typical fun loving Doodle that has use for everything and can keep you in stitches all day. Crate trained and learning basic manors he is showing himself to be a very quick study. He should mature to around 65-75 pounds. To come out and meet Doogie call or text Elizabeth at 248-917-6648.



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