2008 45 DON SMITH 45 CDF Center Console For Sale

2008 45 DON SMITH 45 CDF Center ConsoleTwin YANMAR 6LY-3 480HP Inboard Diesels w Power-Vent Marine Drive SystemExtremely Unique High Quality Boat JUST A SPLASH - Just Listed at 395 000 (Make Offer Very Motivated Seller)VESSEL WALK-THROUGH If you have been seeking out an extremely high quality center console in the forty-five foot size range that also offers an air conditioned cabin galley head and shower...you have just found it. The CDF model number for the DON SMITH 45 stands for Cruise-Dive-Fish and you ll find this boat to be simply perfect for all three The kevlar construction makes this boat extra tough (even to military standards) and with the Power-Vent Marine Drive design system she s able to deliver faster speeds than traditional inboard diesel boats less fuel burn along with much less of a draft compared to other forty-five footers. Throughout the deck you ll find ample seating for your guests along with lots of storage space. Not only does the custom powder coated tower comfortably seat three it s fantastic for enjoying a spectacular view.BELOW DECK Below deck you ll find seating on both port and starboard sides. To port a stainless steel sink microwave oven refrigerator and stereo system. To starboard your AC DC panel a privacy head with sink and shower VIZIO TV mounted on opening cabinet door with ample storage behind and a large center hatch floor storage compartment as well. The cabin is fully air conditioned and the generator enables you to enjoy the air conditioning while at sea.ELECTRONICS and EXTRAS Two (2) RayMarine FLIR HybridTouch eSeries Radar Masters Two (2) YANMAR i5601E Multi Function Gauges FUSION MS-UD750 Stereo System with Pandora Sirus XM and Bluetooth Raymarine SmartPilot ST-6002 AutoHelm Series AZIMUTH 1000 Electronic Compass Hydraulic Trim Tabs Bow Thruster and Electric Retractible Helm Windshield. ON TOWER RayMarine FLIR HybridTouch eSeries Radar Master Two (2) YANMAR i5601E Multi Function Gauges Compass and Remote Spotlight. Also equipped with a generator underwater lighting outriggers macerator pumps on the fish boxes fresh water misting system on tower four (4) fresh and raw water spigots throughout the boat and all standard illuminated 2008 DON SMITH 45 CDF Helm Instrumentation.You do not want to miss out on the opportunity to be the next proud owner of this immaculate and very unique 2008 DON SMITH 45 CDF Center Console Inquire today to arrange a personal walk-through. To fully appreciate all that this inside high & dry stored boat has to offer make an appointment to view JUST A SPLASH in person To view more photos and the full vessel specifications visit the FEATURED LISTINGS page at our GoldenGateBoatSales site.Direct Link www.goldengateboatsales.com 2008donsmith45.htmlGOLDEN GATE BOAT SALESLicensed and Bonded Yacht BrokersPhone 239-430-BOAT(2628)



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