2006 Toyota Highlander Sport - Price: $8,975

2006 Toyota Highlander Sport Utility 4D IDEAL FOR BACK TO SCHOOL IMMACULATE CONDITION and CERTIFIED by CARFAX 1-OWNER VEHICLE THIS PREMIUM QUALITY HIGHLANDER OFFER S COMFORT 5 STAR SAFETY RATINGS VERSATILITY CARGO ROOM PLUS MUCH MORE CALL OR EMAIL FOR MORE DETAILS AND THANK YOU FOR VISITING OUR INVENTORY ON THE WEB Contact Jim Hedine or Danny Bernstein. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes any finance charges any dealer document preparation charge and any emission testing charge. (08 19 13) Silver 2WD ABS (4-Wheel) Air Conditioning Alloy Wheels AM FM Stereo Cassette CD (Single Disc) Cruise Control Dual Air Bags F& R Side Air Bags Power Door Locks Power Seat Power Steering Power Windows Privacy Glass Roof Rack Stability Control Tilt Wheel Towing Pkg Traction Control Mileage 151368 Stock 21371A VIN JTEGP21A160114803 CALL FOR INTERNET SPECIAL . Tell us that y



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