Licensed Nursing Assistants - Compensation: Based on Experiance

Green Mountain Nursing & Rehab is looking for current Vermont Licensed Nursing Assistants to provide basic nursing assistance and assists residents with daily living activities. Essential Functions Answers signal lights and bells to determine resident needs. Assists residents with grooming oral hygiene bathing hair and incontinence care. Obtains food trays and assists residents with feeding. Assists residents with range of motion exercises and movement to wheelchair or activity areas. Assists resident with turning and positioning in bed Takes and records temperature blood pressure pulse and respiration rates and food and fluid intake and output as directed. Performs other tasks as assigned. Conducts job responsibilities in accordance with the standards set out in the Company s Code of Business Conduct its policies and procedures the Corporate Compliance Agreement applicable federal and state laws and applicable professional standards. Documentation on flow sheets as directed. Reports to Charge Nurse or designee on progress lack of progess in achieving restorative goals. Qualifications Education High school diploma or equivalent preferred. Knowledge Skills Abilities Ability to react decisively and quickly in emergency situations. Ability to communicate effectively with residents and their family members and facility staff. Service Excellence Requirements Work efforts reflect a passion for exceeding customer expectations. Solicits patient resident feedback to understand their needs and the needs of the community. Advocates for Service Excellence within the Center and influences others to take action. Displays responsibility by taking ownership of quality care. Shows dedication to enriching the lives of our patients and residents through empathy and compassion. Exhibits a commitment to results by looking for and recommending implementing process improvements. Demonstrates commitment to interpersonal excellence through professional greetings proper telephone etiquette common courtesy a professional attitude and appearance. Recognizes the benefits of team collaboration. Shows respect for fellow employees by working together to get the job done. Effectively addresses customer concerns and resolves conflict in a manner that is fair to all. Please apply to Jayme Love DON or Lori Perkins ADON 475 Ethan Allen Ave Colchester VT 05446 802-655-1025



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