Clare - Female Yorkie Yorkshire TerrierTerrier (Unknown Type Med

You can fill out an adoption application online on our official website.Adopting A Shelter DogThese dogs come without background histories past medical information. We present these dogs as we have observed in relationship to age size breed behavior housebreaking crate training good with children cats dogs and strangers. Dogs may present themselves differently in different environments therefore The Dog Spot Rescue their agents volunteers can not guarantee behavior age size expectations breed house Training destructive behavior tendencies and or medical issues. All dogs from shelters have been subjected to pathogens from the shelter level which can materialize into disease in the future. Each adopter must observe for themselves pre-adoption and make decisions for themselves the suitability of said dog and their tolerance levels for transitional time when adopting a shelter dog. We ask that each adopter take their time when making the choice to bring home a rescued dog.Meet little Clare. She is a Yorkie poo and about a year old. Clare weighs about 8 pounds and is just as cute as they get. She came in a bit shy and scared but so tender and now a little waggy tail and hope in her eyes. She is going to be a great companion dog She is wonderful with other dogs cats and is not afraid of kids. She was in a rural shelter and out of time.Now safe she is ready to find that special person to call her own. If interested in Clare please contact us for a meet greet and tail wag appointment. She can be seen this weekend and she has her paws crossed Adoption is 375 and includes her spay rabies worming shots heartworm test and all dogs go home on a two week trial. All dogs are met by appointment in ELK GROVE CA Applications are found at -X -.-----X.- forms form formid 850 and then email -----X(at)--X to schedule a time to meet



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