$1200 4 bedroom in Ellis County - Price: 1200

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2304101. BIG 4 Bedroom Brick home with 2 FULL baths (tubs w shower). This property has a large fenced back yard near Southwestern University & Navarro College- College Hills off John Arden Drive on a Cul du sac. Has Central air & heat It has large 3 bedrooms with a 4th room that can be used as another bedroom (has Large walk-in closet) or an office etc. The home has 2 living areas.There are ceiling fans w lights in all rooms has gas stove with oven & another electric oven great for Christmas & Thanksgiving dinners New dishwasher & gas water heater washer dryer connections in a laundry room & has a laundry sink for hand washing items Mini blinds in windows lots of closets and the kitchen with lots of cupboards & counter top space (with pull out drawers in bottom cupboards for easy access to things) & has pantry next to kitchen. This home has been completely remodeled with new sinks & tubs etc in bathrooms It has NEW energy efficient windows throughout that open out easily for c For more details .



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