NDA coaching classes in Thane and Mumbai

Margadarshak Defence Career Academy was founded on 14th December 1998 at Thane. Our primary aim is to guide coach and train candidates who are aspiring to join Indian Army Navy Air-Force and Coast-Guard as officers. Our coaching classes truly believes in getting its students a reputed job. Our academy has been recognized as a top ranking coaching centre by providing best training assistance to students who aspire to work in defense services.The academy trains and prepares candidates for SSB interview coaching NDA coaching classes CDS coaching classes Contact Lt Col Sudhakar DalviContact person 501 5th floor Rajhans Annex above Rajmal Lakhichand Jewellers Opposite Gaodevi Bus Depot Shivaji Cross Road Thane (West) 400 602.Mobile 9820401089Email coldalvi(at)rediffmail.com colspdalvi(at)gmail.comUrl ltcolsudhakardalvi.com



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