Selling Out of the Horse Business

Doc says I got to slow down so. I m selling out of the horse business If interested in anything please Call Kal- cell- 780-908-3964 evenings only please. or email toni53(at) Standardbred Horse named Play on Top- 5 yrs old brown gelding by Allamerican Ingot & Moppy Top Artsplace- Lifetime mark 157-2. needs work but is racing.- Asking 1000. Jogger with brand new wheels- 250. sold Blankets- 100- 150. Coolers- 10.- 50. Harness- 250. Water pails & feed tubs - 3mth old- sold Bridles- 10. Odds and ends Line Poles etc. brand new harness- 395.00 back pad blue & yellow never put on a horse yet. Two renewed tack boxes 70.00 each. Two brand new harness bags blue 40.00 each.



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